Bars and Restaurants
Many bars and most restaurants offer wifi to the customers, you can just ask for the password.
This is a national network of free internet access points from various collaborators. There is a one-time registration for access which can then be used in all Italian Cities. There are hotspots around tourist areas, train stations, airports and more.
DigitRoma is part of the freeitalia national network which also has hotspots around the city and offers up to four hours per day. You can register when you connect to any hotspot in Rome.
Poste Italiane
Many Italian post offices now offer ‘fast wifi’ access.
When you are wandering around the city, and are caught short, where do you go? Rome is not blessed with public toilets, although all archeological sites and museums have facilities.
The major train stations in the city have services which cost €1, but if you are stuck in the street the nearest bar is your best bet. Although legally bars and restaurants should allow the public access to the toilet, in a packed tourist city it isn't feasible for the establishment. Many have signs that require you to buy something to use the facilities.
Since 2019 the city has opened new service points called P Stops in major piazzas. There are toilet and baby-change facilities for €1 as well as Wi-Fi with free hotspots and a tourist information service. Services are open from 10-4 check https://turismoroma.it/en/page/pstop for locations.
Top tip: Toilet paper is not obligatory in Rome - carry tissues with you.
As well as the P-Stop which is manned by staff who can help with visitor enquiries, there are also a number of Tourist Information booths in the main thoroughfares of Rome.
Alternatively, you can call +39 060608 the official tourist information line in a number of languages, or online at https://turismoroma.it/en/
In case of Emergency
Police (Carabinieri) 112
State Police (Polizia) 113
Fire (Vigili del Fuoco) 115
Ambulance 118
EMERGENCY ROOMS (Pronto Soccorso)
If you have an accident and need to go to the hospital, you need to go to the ‘Pronto Soccorso’ which is the Emergency Room. It is free for locals and visitors. If you call the ambulance (118) will take you to the nearest emergency room.
You will need to take your identification with you.