The tour always starts with a lesson on shore paddling technique, our guides are also kayak instructors. During the paddle, participants will be immersed in the deepest peace of the lake, unique in its kind.
Life jacket
Lake Albano is a lake of volcanic origin.
Its name derives from the name of the mysterious city of Albalonga destroyed by the Roman King Tullius Hostilius in the 6th century BC. Important prehistoric and Roman archaeological remains are found on its coasts. On the north coast of the lake is the "Village of millstones". It is an archaeological site covering a surface area of one hectare rich in Bronze Age finds. It was discovered by chance in 1984 after a lowering of the lake's waters. It was originally a village built on stilts. Today it is considered the largest archaeological site on stilts in Italy. Its name was given to it because many stone millstones were found at that site. On the west coast is the entrance to the "Emissary Canal".
You have to know to swim
Please remember to bring sun cream